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Giant Rack It Front Rack

Current price: $47.95 RRP
Take everything but the kitchen sink. For your next bikepacking adventure increase your capacity with Rack It. Multi positioning and taking up to 15KGs of load, see below for compatible models.


  • Material: 13mm aluminium construction
  • Fit: Below model forks with mounts
  • Mounting: Two bolt fixing (per side)
  • Max weight: 15kg
  • Features: Multi-positioning

Compatible with the following models:

Toughroad - 2016+

AnyRoad (Alloy version only) - 2017+

Cross City series (With alloy fork only) 2017+

Please note that our specifications may be impacted by running substitution changes, we highly recommend confirming the specifications of our products with your local retailer at the time of sale if purchasing in-store. *Recommended Retail Prices are subject to change without notice and may vary from store to store depending on freighting and assembly costs.